Aimee Says More New Release

We are excited to announce the new release of Aimee Says, with more features, more versatility and more individualization.

Major Updates

Over the past few weeks, we've released several new features and upgrades to make Aimee easier to use and more helpful for Subscribers. While many of the changes are invisible to our users, here are a few of the larger changes you will see.

AI Upgrade

We've made important changes to the way Aimee thinks, the sources she considers, and your control over the conversation.

You'll see more detailed answers that incorporate more information from your documents and My Story profile.

Chat History

As a subscriber, your chat history is automatically saved so you can refer back to old conversations or resume where you left off.

We've added the ability to pin, archive, rename, and delete chats from the left navigation or the chat history page.

My Story

My Story has replaced the "context" box. Now you can share more about your life, experiences and needs to create a complete picture.

By giving Aimee your backstory, her support is even more personalized and specific.

My Story


We've increased the number of documents Aimee can hold to 100, and given you the ability to categorize, rename and summarize the documents.

Now Aimee can return broader results with more information from your documents.

My Documents

My Journal

The fully redesigned My Journal will help you record your thoughts and document the events and incidents you need for your records.

Aimee is there to help you document and process ongoing abuse and recovery.

My Journal